155 | From Victim To Victor: Using Your Failures To Fuel Your Growth

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What You'll Discover In This Episode:

  • How To Not Let Your Failures Get The Best Of You
  • 4 Steps To Take Before Retackling Challenges you Stumbled Over
  • Techniques To Switch From A Victim To A Victor Mindset
  • Who You Should Lean On For Support After A Fall
  • So Much More!

Did you know that bees are super powerful?

So much, in fact, that they can keep you from going after your dreams?

I didn’t think you did. But hear me out…

All my son Erik wanted to do for his 10th birthday this year was go swimming. With COVID-19 still circulating, I didn’t think any of our pool-owning friends would be open to the idea of us coming over for a dip so I got the bright idea to buy a pop-up pool.

And this wasn’t one of those rinky, dinky toddler pools hanging up outside Ace Hardware. This was an investment I had to discuss with my husband before purchasing. I reasoned, “All this kid wants to do for his birthday is go swimming. He can’t even invite friends over to celebrate with him. The least we can do is provide a pool so he can go swimming.” And so we did.

Well, six hours of yardwork under the Vegas sun to make room for the pool, blowing up the thing, and what felt like a gazillion gallons of water later, Erik was excited to get in the water. Because the edge of the pool was high and we neglected to think of buying stairs, I hoisted Erik up, started lowering him into the pool, and…

Screaming. Blood-curdling screaming. You’d have thought we were reenacting the movie Hostile in our backyard.

Nope. An evil bee had stung Erik’s foot just as he was being lowered into the pool and apparently, it was super, duper, painful. Dammit.

Sure enough, ten minutes later, once the birthday boy had stopped screaming and the sting had ceased hurting, Erik exclaimed, “I’m never going in that pool again!” and I knew he meant it.

And that’s what I said, remember? That a bee is so powerful it can keep you from your dreams?

Erik had the dream of going swimming for his birthday but that powerful bee hurt him so badly that he no longer wanted to follow that dream. His brain associated the pool with pain and he wasn’t willing to take the risk again. Bummer.

Now, maybe a black and yellow flying insect hasn’t kept you from your dreams, but have you been stung so badly in business attempting a task, project, presentation, collaboration, offer, or otherwise, that you gave up, tail between your legs, promising to never try that again?

We all have.

Well, suck it up buttercup!

That one activity could be the game changer your business needs. Or maybe not, but keeping a victim mindset over it is never going to serve you well, whereas attempting it again, this time better equipped, certainly could.

In this episode of Productivity Straight Talk, I dive into how challenging it can be to jump back on the saddle after a fall but also why you should. I go on to discuss how you can effectively use your past failures in business as a foundation for monumental growth when you choose to retackle those obstacles better equipped for success.

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Amber De La Garza

About the author

Amber De La Garza is The Productivity Specialist! Amber helps small business owners maximize profits, reduce stress, and make time for what matters most by improving their time management and elevating their productivity! Amber is a sought after coach, trainer, speaker, writer, host of the Small Business Straight Talk Podcast, and creator of Leverage Lab®.

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