122 | Making Podcasting More Profitable With Danny Ozment

357 | Recruiting High-Performers & Making A-Player Hires With Laura Couvillon

What You'll Discover In This Episode:

  • Strategies To Save Time & Money Podcasting
  • The Holy Grail Of Growing A Business
  • A Sure-Fire Way To Maximize Your SEO
  • Dannyā€™s And My Podcasting Processes
  • So Much More!

Letā€™s talk about podcasting.


Because in 2019, itā€™s pretty much the holy grail of growing a business.

The benefits of podcasting are numerous:

  • Gives you a platform to share your expertise and passion
  • Builds trust with your listeners
  • Sets you up as the authority on your topic
  • Enables you to share stories in long form
  • Can be scripted it recorded off bullet points

And probably the biggest benefit of all?

Podcasting can be an excellent marketing tool that brings you big-time business (read: brings in the brag-worthy profits. Oh yeah!)

The big bummer, though?

Podcasting takes a lot of time. A LOT!

And we all know how precious our time is.

The good news is there are plenty of strategies to greatly reduce the time it takes to produce each podcast episode. Andā€¦ youā€™re in luck because we cover a lot of them in this weekā€™s episode.

In Productivity Straight Talk this week, I sit down with Studio Design Consultant, Owner of Emerald City Productions, and my Podcast Producer, Danny Ozment. We discuss how to make podcasting a powerful marketing tool for your business, how you can use it to build trust with your listeners, and what podcasting has the ability to do for your business and bottom line. We also dish out numerous tips for getting the most of your podcast, making it profitable, and making production more efficient.

About Guest:

Right now, Danny is wearing out his Walt Disney World annual pass with his wife and 2 kids. When heā€™s not on Pirates of the Caribbean, he spends his days on mission helping podcasters change the world one download at a time. The free tips he provides at dannyozment.com, guarantee youā€™ll launch and grow a podcast that will impact the world.

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Amber De La Garza

About the author

Amber De La Garza is The Productivity Specialist! Amber helps small business owners maximize profits, reduce stress, and make time for what matters most by improving their time management and elevating their productivity! Amber is a sought after coach, trainer, speaker, writer, host of the Small Business Straight Talk Podcast, and creator of Leverage LabĀ®.

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