103 | All You Need To Know About Writing A Book With Katie Cross

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  • 103 | All You Need To Know About Writing A Book With Katie Cross

What You'll Discover In This Episode:

  • How To Know When You’re Ready To Write A Book
  • The Different Avenues For Writing And Publishing
  • What Publishers Look For To Back Your Book
  • What The Vetting Process Is Like
  • How Your Mindset And Marketing Skills Play A Factor In Your Success
  • So Much More!

I can tell you firsthand that writing a book is an overwhelming journey… and I’ve barely gotten started.

But I have!

I’m excited to say I went into contract with a ghostwriter after months of researching the process, methods, credentials, and fighting off my inner mindset demons.

Writing a book has been a goal of mine for quite a while and this is the magical year I’m finally beginning to take on this massive project.

And it is massive! I don’t aim to publish until 2020 because I have a few other projects I want to pursue this year and wouldn’t be able to give my book the full attention it needs.

After all, writing a book becomes the ONE all-encompassing project you can reasonably work on outside of regularly servicing your clients.

It devours your time, your energy, your intelligence, your memory, your patience, and your emotional stability.

Your book becomes your baby, whether you’re putting pen to paper, fingers to a keyboard, or hiring a ghostwriter to become your voice.

So, have YOU considered taking the next step in getting your voice out there by writing a book?

It could be just the lead magnet you need as a gateway to your more expensive products.

Potential clients may not be willing to spend $4,000 on your program right away but a $20 book? Sure!

Once they get a piece of your voice in a well-written book that echoes your brand, the hope is they’ll come back wanting lots more of what you have to offer!

And now, you will have passed the trust factor test.

Writing a book could plant the seeds for mega growth in your business but the process can seem overwhelming and even scary.

Am I ready? Do I have the bandwidth? Where do I start? Who do I turn to for help? How do I publish?...

…are all great questions and you should know the answers before embarking on the journey of writing a book.

Well, in this episode of Productivity Straight Talk, we uncover many of those answers.

I sit down with the ghostwriter of my future book, Katie Cross, who owns a book-producing and ghost-writing boutique that specializes in thinking up creative solutions to driving your message home to your audience. She walks us through the exciting path of writing a book, from having an idea to production, and weighs on the myriad of factors that will influence your success. You’ve got questions? Katie has answers.

About Guest:

After more than 5 years in the publishing world, Katie self-published over fifteen fiction books, had two shopping agreements, and was the ghostwriter for countless more works. Hundreds of thousands of copies of Katie’s books have gone into the world, and countless more are to come.

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Amber De La Garza

About the author

Amber De La Garza is The Productivity Specialist! Amber helps small business owners maximize profits, reduce stress, and make time for what matters most by improving their time management and elevating their productivity! Amber is a sought after coach, trainer, speaker, writer, host of the Small Business Straight Talk Podcast, and creator of Leverage Lab®.

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