How Building My Own Team Enabled Me To Grow Bigger And Faster
What You Should Outsource And How
What Constitutes A Good Hire
The Hiring Mistake Too Many Entrepreneurs Make
So Much More!
In this episode, I walk you through the pivotal points of my hiring journey so you can obtain valuable insights to utilize when building your own team. I discuss numerous ways you can gain leverage in your business and at home, reveal an effective strategy to remove the stress of making a new hire, and explain the constraints you should put on yourself when contemplating hiring for another position or project. I also talk about the structure of my business including who does what, the triumphs and obstacles I faced with my hires, and what absolutely must be in my possession before making a new hire. I hope you enjoy my episode on hiring my own team and encourage you to put thoughtful consideration into your hiring strategy and every person you might hire. Now let’s jump right in and get to the straight talk!
Amber De La Garza is The Productivity Specialist! Amber helps small business owners maximize profits, reduce stress, and make time for what matters most by improving their time management and elevating their productivity! Amber is a sought after coach, trainer, speaker, writer, host of the Small Business Straight Talk Podcast, and creator of Leverage Lab®.
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