The Factors You Should Build Into Your Hiring And Recruitment Strategies
Ways To Mold Your Team Into High Caliber Experts And Retain Them
How To Write A Compelling Job Description That Attracts The Best Candidates
The 3 Things Great CEOs Are Supposed To Do Every Day
The First Person You Should Hire When Scaling Your Business
So Much More!
In this episode, I sit down with the Chief People Officer at BizChix, Shelli Warren, who has over 25 years of experience building and leading teams at Proctor & Gamble. Shelli walks us through developing a recruitment strategy to ensure you hire based on data instead of emotions, streamlining the hiring process, and performing best candidate selections for people joining the company.
We also talk about how NOT leading your employees can help you attain flow freedom, how to overcome your rational fears of growing a team, recognizing the triggers for when it’s the right time to hire, and determining if and where candidates could be a good fit for your business.
This was an awesome discussion with Shelli I hope you enjoy. Now let’s jump right in and get to the straight talk!
Shelli Warren is a former Procter & Gamble leader with 25 years’ experience leading technical teams, teaching leadership skills, delivering multi-million dollar technical projects, and introducing a leadership college that spanned across 3 levels; she left the corporate world to begin her own journey as an entrepreneur and now serves a Chief People Officer at where she provides Team and Leadership coaching serving high performing women to find or create their dream career and their dream team.
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About the author
Amber De La Garza is The Productivity Specialist! Amber helps small business owners maximize profits, reduce stress, and make time for what matters most by improving their time management and elevating their productivity! Amber is a sought after coach, trainer, speaker, writer, host of the Small Business Straight Talk Podcast, and creator of Leverage Lab®.
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