222 | That’s A Wrap! Sharing My 2021 Feedback Loop

357 | Recruiting High-Performers & Making A-Player Hires With Laura Couvillon

What You'll Discover In This Episode:

  • What My Insights Feedback Loop Is
  • Why It Works To Improve Your Business
  • Strategies For Using The Insights Feedback Loop In Your Own Business
  • What Didn’t Work, Did Work, & Could Work In My Business in 2021
  •   The Project Timeline I Seriously Underestimated
  • Why My New Coworker Is Not Working Out
  • So Much More!

Recently my team and I got together for a six-hour Zoom call in which I asked them to be totally transparent with me so we could tackle the challenges they faced in 2021 and dream up what we could accomplish in 2022 so we could move forward into the new year with a stronger team and build a stronger business.

During our time together, we worked our way through my insights feedback loop in which we discussed what did not  work, what did work, and what could work in each department of the business.

Doing so really helped us smooth over some rough edges, get clarity on where we are headed, and get on the same page of what actions we must take to get us there.

I freakin’ love using the insights feedback loop as a business planning tool because it simply works!

One of my biggest takeaways from doing an insights feedback loop solo recently, was that my coworker is not working out. 

Bella is young, immature, obnoxiously loud, demands lunchtime whenever it suits her appetite, jumps up on my shoulders during meetings, and on occasion, she’s even pooped in my office.

If you haven’t guessed it by now, Bella is our new puppy and as my coworker, she is just not working out.

I seriously underestimated the distractions Bella would bring because all the previous dogs I’ve owned were much more mature and had totally different, more reserved personalities. As coworkers, we gelled well.

So, working my way through the insights feedback loop in terms of my new coworker, I determined…

What Did Not Work: Bella thinking she owns the place and walking all over my schedule and patience with her antics.

What Did Work: Bella lying on the floor next to me and accepting me petting her. She’s darn cute, provides me company and joy, and petting her relaxes me.

What Could Work: Getting top notch training from a puppy expert so Bella stops being so disruptive to my work days (this has become a priority!)It’s that simple folks. Follow this framework throughout the many layers of your business and you’ll get clarity on what you don’t want to keep doing in 2022, what you want to double-down on, and what you want to try.

In this episode of Productivity Straight Talk, I pull back the curtains on my recent undertaking of the insights feedback loop, walking you through my determinations step by step. It was a major component in my strategic business planning for 2022. I’m confident using the framework could help you get unstuck and execute a solid business plan, too. I hope you will tune in!

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Amber De La Garza

About the author

Amber De La Garza is The Productivity Specialist! Amber helps small business owners maximize profits, reduce stress, and make time for what matters most by improving their time management and elevating their productivity! Amber is a sought after coach, trainer, speaker, writer, host of the Small Business Straight Talk Podcast, and creator of Leverage Lab®.

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