189 | Establishing Meaningful Connections Through Thought Leadership With Carol Cox

189 | Establishing Meaningful Connections Through Thought Leadership With Carol Cox
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  • 189 | Establishing Meaningful Connections Through Thought Leadership With Carol Cox

What You'll Discover In This Episode:

  • What A Thought Leader Is
  • How Thought Leadership Will Help Your Business
  • How Marketing & Visibility Ties Together With Thought Leadership
  • Carolā€™s Breakdown  Of Her V.O.I.C.E. Framework
  • So Much More!

If youā€™ve been listening to Productivity Straight Talk for awhile, youā€™ve no doubt heard me say that revenue should be your primary goal because without revenue to sustain your business, youā€™ll run yourself right out of business.

Youā€™ve also heard me say that to generate revenue, you should purposefully be investing your time, money, and energy into your four high-value activity buckets of Marketing & Visibility, Sales, Servicing Clients, and Leadership.

What I havenā€™t talked a ton about, is how embracing thought leadership can help you create more meaningful relationships with the people you're trying to reach, be it your clients, prospective clients, team of five, or audience of 500, which will ultimately lead to higher and longer lasting revenue streams.

To paraphrase my friend and speaking expert Carol Cox, thought leadership asks ā€˜have you thought about this?ā€™, challenges the status quo, challenges our assumptions, communicates thoughts with conviction, inspires us to take action, and delivers deeper, more personal content to help people understand more about themselves.

Thought leadership helps us show up our best, feel more fulfilled, and it resonates with other people which enriches and strengthens our relationship with them.

We could all stand to learn more about establishing meaningful connections through thought leadership and in this episode of Productivity Straight Talk, I strive to do just that when I sit down with the founder of Speaking Your Brand, Carol Cox, to learn more about leaning into thought leadership and the powerful impact it can have on our businesses.

Episode Links & Resources:

About Guest:

Carol Cox is the founder of Speaking Your BrandĀ®, a coaching and training company that helps high-performing, purpose-driven women entrepreneurs and professionals create their signature talks and gain more visibility, so they can grow their businesses, make a bigger impact, and become influencers in their fields. Carol is host of the weekly 5-star rated Speaking Your BrandĀ® podcast and during election seasons serves as a Democratic political analyst on TV news in Orlando, Florida.

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Amber De La Garza

About the author

Amber De La Garza is The Productivity Specialist! Amber helps small business owners maximize profits, reduce stress, and make time for what matters most by improving their time management and elevating their productivity! Amber is a sought after coach, trainer, speaker, writer, host of the Small Business Straight Talk Podcast, and creator of Leverage LabĀ®.

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