What You'll Discover In This Episode:
Life in 2019 looks much different than it did 100 years ago. For most of humanity, life in the 1920’s was much simpler. Sure, people worked hard to support their families but there was far less noise pulling at them from all different directions.
One would actually sit down to read the newspaper, play checkers, or knit for hours. Nowadays, it’s hard to get someone to sit down to do a single task for 15 minutes before they lose focus and take up switchtasking. That’s partly because we’re constantly being bombarded with messages that pull our focus – messages to do more, spend more, be more, try this, do that, buy now. We’re constantly busy and we’re constantly buying into a way of life that keeps us grasping for the next thing that can change our lives and our businesses for the better.
We join associations and networking groups, attend conferences, listen to podcasts, and read books and articles all in the name of figuring out what we need to do to get ahead and be more successful than the next guy. But often, we really need to stop doing things to see a positive growth in our business, which is entirely counter to our culture.
Nike tells us to Just Do It but I’m here to tell you that sometimes, you’ll get a lot more traction and be more productive when you Just Don’t Do It. Stopping the activities that aren’t serving you is often overlooked as a way to amplify your success, yet it’s reliable and gets quick results.
In this episode of Productivity Straight Talk, I discuss how to quickly gain traction in your business, not by starting something, but by stopping 15 activities that may be hindering your success and will surely fail to serve your business over the long haul.