101 | Cracking The Code To Optimize Yourself With Zack Arnold

357 | Recruiting High-Performers & Making A-Player Hires With Laura Couvillon

What You'll Discover In This Episode:

  • Why You Should Strive For Work-Life Presence Over Balance
  • The Worst Thing You Can Do To Generate Ideas
  • Clever Ways To Problem Solve Differently
  • The 3 Things To Nail In Order To Accomplish Anything
  • How To Attain The Sweet Spot Of Staying Focused
  • Strategies To Pace Yourself And Your Energy
  • The Best Way To Reach Default Mode Where Your Creativity Is The Highest
  • So Much More!

I’ve got great news!

And it comes courtesy of my guest on this week’s episode of Productivity Straight Talk, Zack Arnold.

Before starting his business, Zack spent almost a decade in the Hollywood film and television industry running himself into the ground - almost literally. He had no time for himself, his relationships, or even to take the trash out.

True story.

After working 16-hour days for 7 weeks straight, Zack’s girlfriend asked him to take the trash out one day and he broke down crying because the thought of having to walk outside to take the trash out was just too overwhelming. He was overly exhausted, sleep-deprived, depressed, and harbored suicidal thoughts. At 25 years old, he was burned out in a big way and knew he had to make a change.

Zack figured out a way to survive not only his career, but life in general. And actually, thrive at both! Through his journey of creating his business that blends athletics and creative performance, Zack learned it’s not necessary to sacrifice yourself for the sake of your work and your career.

Did you hear me???

It’s not necessary to sacrifice yourself for the sake of your work and your career.

No business, career goal, or power position is worth your life.

And there are countless ways you can design your business to be supportive of your roles and relationships outside your career, while remaining profitable.

 During our interview, productivity nerd Zack and I deep-dived into using creative productivity strategies and tools to optimize yourself and your business.

Episode Links & Resources:

About Guest:

Zack Arnold is a documentary director, Hollywood film & television editor, productivity nerd, and the creator of the Optimize Yourself program. He helps creative professionals and entrepreneurs better prioritize their time, their energy, and their attention so they can achieve their most important goals in life...without sacrificing their sanity in the process.

Zack is not an "expert," and he is certainly not your "guru." Zack is simply a guy who has spent the last fifteen years chained to a computer, and due to the stressful and sedentary nature of his career he has battled depression, burnout, and attention issues for most of his adult life. His mission is to help you achieve your goals by sharing everything he knows about how to optimize creative performance so you can run your business the way you want...instead of your business running YOU.

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Amber De La Garza

About the author

Amber De La Garza is The Productivity Specialist! Amber helps small business owners maximize profits, reduce stress, and make time for what matters most by improving their time management and elevating their productivity! Amber is a sought after coach, trainer, speaker, writer, host of the Small Business Straight Talk Podcast, and creator of Leverage Lab®.

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