Access to the Take Back Your Time Mini Training will be emailed to you shortly, so keep an eye out for it in your inbox.

Access to the

Take Back Your Time Mini Training

will be emailed to you shortly, so keep an eye out for it in your inbox.

But before you go...
I want to let you know about a special, TIME-SENSITIVE OFFER to help you eliminate one of the biggest time leaks (and stress creators!) in your business... your INBOX!

Discover how to process your emails like a pro, organize your hot mess of an inbox, and take back control of it once and for all!

Conquer Your Email is a 3-part masterclass created to help small business owners go from inbox overwhelm to effectively managing an organized inbox that’s easy to maintain. 

How is this different than the free mini training you have waiting for you?

The Conquer Your Email Masterclass specifically focuses on effectively managing your inbox so you can maximize what you’ll learn in the Take Back Your Time Mini Training.

Special Offer

(normally $47)

The average number of business emails sent & received per day in 2019 was 126

That is nearly 50,000 emails per year!

The Conquer Your Email Masterclass is for you if you find one (or more!) of the following to be true:

  • You spend way too much time “trying” to get your emails caught up, with little to show for your effort
  • You avoid your inbox because checking it is overwhelming and frustrating
  • You have no idea how to handle the crazy number of emails that come in E-V-E-R-Y day
  • You've considered hiring someone to handle your inbox but wouldn't even know where to have them start
  • You’re using your inbox as your to-do list
  • You were never taught how to effectively manage email communication
  • You feel like you’re drowning in an inbox overflowing with:
  • Missed emails
  • Missed opportunities
  • Missed client communication
  • Overlooked tasks
  • Emails marked Read that have been forgotten about with ensuing consequences
  • Emails that distract you from focusing on important emails and high-value tasks

This is exactly why the Conquer Your Email Masterclass was created. You’ll be equipped with my simple, proven system for email processing that has helped hundreds of business owners with anywhere from 70 to 70,000 emails conquer their inbox and keep it maintained for good. You’ll reclaim time to invest it in high-value activities to grow your business (or just get more sleep) by no longer having to live in your inbox. 

This 3 part masterclass is designed to help small business owners go from inbox overwhelm to effectively managing an organized inbox that’s easy to maintain.

Here's What You'll Get:


3 Short Easy-To-Watch Video Lessons

The Foundation Of An Effectively Managed And Organized Inbox

  • Why Using Your Inbox As Your To-Do List Doesn’t Work
  • Ways Your Email Addiction Is Plaguing Your Productivity
  • How To Use Parkinson’s Law, Dopamine Hits, And Decision Fatigue To Your Advantage
Conquer Your Email Masterclass

The Foundation Of An Effectively Managed And Organized Inbox

  • Why Using Your Inbox As Your To-Do List Doesn’t Work
  • Ways Your Email Addiction Is Plaguing Your Productivity
  • How To Use Parkinson’s Law, Dopamine Hits, And Decision Fatigue To Your Advantage

5 Simple Email Decisions To Maintain Your Inbox

  • Amber’s Proven Framework For Deciding What To Do With Each And Every Email
  • How To Effectively Process Your Emails With Ease
  • Strategies For Extracting To-Do’s And Transferring Them To Your Task List

Chapter 13 Inbox Bankruptcy

  • How To Achieve The Elusive Inbox Zero
  • The Power Of Starting With A Clean Slate
  • Amber’s Proven Strategy To Pay Back The Right Email Debtors


Inbox Toolbox

Power up your learning by taking advantage of these additional tools and resources:

  • Step By Step Take Action Checklist
  • 5 Simple Email Decisions Cheat Sheet
  • Recommended Programs And Apps


BONUS: Training Videos

  • Make Organizing Your Emails A Breeze

Learn how to create a structured filing system that makes organizing your emails simple and efficient.

  • Amber’s Rapid Fire Email Quick Tips

Discover Amber’s top quick tips to conquer your hot mess of an inbox and maintain it forever.

An uncluttered inbox paired with a system for incoming emails will keep you on your A game.

You’ll get immediate access to the masterclass so you can watch whenever, wherever, and as often as you’d like.

The masterclass is broken down into 3 short, easy-to-watch videos so you can get results fast!

We're going to simplify it for YOU for only $27
(but only until time is up!)

Special Offer 

(normally $47)

Hello, I'm Amber De La Garza,

The Productivity Specialist!

I’m a coach, trainer, speaker, writer, host of the Productivity Straight Talk podcast, and creator of the S.T.O.P. Leverage Formula. I’m passionate about helping small business owners like you improve your time management and elevate your productivity so you can reduce overwhelm and achieve the results and success you desire in both business and life.

Conquer Your Email Masterclass

The Conquer Your Email Masterclass is normally $47, which would be more than worth the price alone to get results like... 

Libby who, Reduced (my) inbox from 2,800 down to less than 100. And I have actually been able to maintain that!

And, Chanie who said, I was excited at how simple it was considering the massive return it provided.”

And, Karen who said, Finally, I now have effective techniques to tame my inbox, resulting in more time to grow my business.”

However, you can get this masterclass for just $27 for the next 15 MINUTES only, right on this page.

So, just click the button below and get started!

Special Offer

(normally $47)


Amber De La Garza, is my hero!

Amber De La Garza, is my hero! Her two-part masterclass Dominate Your Calendar & Conquer Your Email has proven to be an excellent investment for my business. Understanding the difference between checking email and actually processing email has been a game changer for me and a huge time saver. Finally, I now have effective techniques to tame my inbox, resulting in more time to grow my business. I love starting each day with a cup of coffee and a manageable email inbox—thanks, Amber!


Reduced my inbox from 2,800 to less than 100 emails!

Amber’s strategies to “help tame and maintain your inbox” made a huuuuuge difference in my email processing. I was able to reduce my inbox from 2800 emails down to less than 100… And I have actually been able to maintain that! I feel like I’ve run a pretty organized business… but my inbox has always been my weak spot. Now, thanks to Amber's simple tips, I have been able to change the way I approach my inbox management and I have kept it to under 100 emails now for the last six months! I feel like I have a plan of attack and a strategic approach to how I process email.

Libby Greiwe Founder of The Efficient Advisor

Less clutter in my inbox and my brain!

What was really valuable was the breakdown of the five different steps of taming your inbox. I was excited at how simple it was considering the massive return it provided. I appreciated understanding how the folders create less clutter in your inbox and in return, less clutter in your brain.

Chanie Wilschanski CEO of DiscoverED Consulting