282 | Onward To $1 Million: A Client Case Study With Vita Vygovska PART 1 [Replay]

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Client Case Study:

Ever come to a crossroads in your entrepreneurial journey where you had to make a difficult choice between two paths that look and feel very different and lead to two very different places, both of which would be better destinations than where you currently are?

Vita Vygovska, the owner of Vitalia Inc. Window Treatments & Awnings, came to such a crossroads about 12 years after becoming a self-proclaimed corporate dropout and starting her own business as a solopreneur. It was just a few years ago that Vita came to the realization that she didn’t want to be doing a lot of her tasks anymore. She was working very long hours and the work was wearing on her greatly. Vita knew there were plenty of tasks she could delegate but just the idea of developing a team seemed scary - not on the financial level necessarily but just the high responsibility leading a team involved. She worried whether she’d have enough work for team members all the time as her business has a seasonality and ebbs and flows for other reasons as well.

Building a team seemed scary but Vita knew she didn’t want to continue as is either. As a solopreneur, she was maxing out on time, revenue, and net income. Sure, she was working at peak productivity but at the same time, she was feeling resentful for the amount of work she had to do and the amount of time she had to dedicate to her business to stay at that level. Vita was at a crossroads where she had to say no to some clients OR develop a team so she could continue to say yes to clients. The decision of which path to take took a lot of soul searching and journaling. It was somewhat of a tumultuous process for Vita but once she decided scaling up was the answer instead of scaling back, she pressed on full speed ahead.

Vita asked herself: How am I going to grow my team? How am I going to become version 11.0 of myself in order to support my team? Who is going to help get me there? Vita decided hiring a productivity coach was the next right step in scaling her business. Knowing how goal-oriented, efficient, and productive Vita is, everyone thought she was crazy for wanting to hire a productivity coach. Vita shared her analogy that Olympians have coaches even though they are the top athletes in the world. Why shouldn’t the best business owners have coaches to help them reach peak performance? As Vita said, “Having a coach is non-negotiable.” That’s where I came in.

I partnered with Vita on her entrepreneurial journey once she had already scaled her business to a team of five but I coached her through some necessary employee changes. Her revenue was at $500,000 as a solopreneur and now she’s exceeded $1 million two years in a row with a team of seven supporting her along the way. According to Vita, her quality of life has improved, she’s more present with her family, she feels more balanced, and she has more time for self-care. We restructured Vita’s day so her journey is more enjoyable and running her business feels less messy. She feels that she has evolved into a better version of herself (Vita 11.0) and loves that I held her accountable during our time working together. As Vita said, “When the chemistry is right, it’s amazing.” Vita truly is a great student who was willing to learn and change her actions to change her life!

What You'll Discover In This Episode:

In this episode of Productivity Straight Talk, I sit down for an entrepreneurial case study with Vita. We take an in-depth look at how she went from being a corporate dropout to a successful small business owner on track to make $1 million in revenue (Update: She's hit that mark two years in a row!).

  • The Non-Negotiables For Business Owners
  • The Challenges Vita Faced Building Her Team
  • How Business Owners Should Emulate Athletes
  • The Mantra That Keeps Vita Learning And Productive
  • Why She Embraces 50/50 Coaching Partnerships
  • So Much More!

Episode Links & Resources:

Hear A Clip From Vita Vygovska:

About Guest:

Vitalia (Vita) Vygovska is the award-winning author, speaker, business coach, and window treatment specialist. Her company, Vitalia, Inc. Window Treatments, is a comprehensive fabrication, measurement, installation, and project management service that specializes in supporting interior designers and architects. We are a one-stop-shop, expert go-to resource for design and architecture firms looking for support with window treatments, upholstery, and related products. In business since 2006, Vita and her team are proud to be experts in their narrow field, providing their clients with superb quality product and excellent communication. Located in greater Philadelphia Area, Vitalia Inc can handle any project nation-wide or around the globe.

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