193 | Flirting With The Concept That Support Is Sexy With Elayne Fluker

357 | Recruiting High-Performers & Making A-Player Hires With Laura Couvillon

What You'll Discover In This Episode:

  • The 3 Reasons We Push Back Against Support
  • How To Overcome “I’ve Got It” Syndrome
  • What It Means To Live Your Question
  • How To Take Advantage Of HELP
  •  Eye-Opening Ways You Can Ask For Support 
  • So Much More!

Growing up, my immediate family’s circle of friends and family were all employees. I didn’t know any business owners so I didn’t know a thing about running a business and all it entails.

My, how things have changed. Now, I’m surrounded by business owners who I choose to do life with. People I respect and admire who are passionate about their businesses and the positive impact they can have on the world. 

I imagine you have a handful of business owners in your circle, too. Think about the ones you know who are successful. Did they achieve their success all on their own? Or did they have help?

Even entrepreneurs who outwardly appear like they’re one-person shows didn’t achieve success on their own, despite what they may have you believe. They had a network of support, whether employees, independent contractors, mentors, coaches, friends, or family, helping them achieve their goals.

No one achieves success entirely on their own. No one.

And yet, we as business owners (especially women business owners), push back so much against getting support.

We think we should be capable of doing it all on our own or feel obtaining support makes us look incompetent or weak.

That’s complete BS!

In no way should we allow ourselves to fall prey to those limiting beliefs and struggle to ask for support. It is a crucial resource in our journey to the top and leveraged by all business owners who make it there. 

The truth is, “support is sexy.” And in this episode of Productivity Straight Talk, I sit down with author, podcast host, and founder of SiS.Academy, Elayne Fluker, to flirt with her empowering concept. We dive into her mission to help unapologetically ambitious women get over “I Got It” Syndrome (which men certainly suffer from as well), embrace support, and know that having it all doesn't mean doing it all alone.

Tune in to find out how support can show up in all areas of your life when you get intentional about seeking and embracing it.

Episode Links & Resources:

About Guest:

Elayne Fluker is author of the new book, Get Over "I Got It" (HarperCollins Leadership), where she encourages unapologetically ambitious women to learn how to embrace support not only for their success, but also their peace of mind. Elayne is also host of the Support is Sexy podcast featuring interviews with more than 500 diverse women entrepreneurs around the world, and she is founder of SiS.Academy -- an online learning platform educating and empowering Black Women entrepreneurs. Most recently Elayne was named a "Founder of Change" for SiS.Academy as part of the American Express "100 for 100" program featuring 100 innovative Black women entrepreneurs.

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Amber De La Garza

About the author

Amber De La Garza is The Productivity Specialist! Amber helps small business owners maximize profits, reduce stress, and make time for what matters most by improving their time management and elevating their productivity! Amber is a sought after coach, trainer, speaker, writer, host of the Small Business Straight Talk Podcast, and creator of Leverage Lab®.

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