The Different Types Of Self-Sabotage That Are Limiting Your Success
Ways To Counteract Your Self-Sabotaging Behaviors
Tips For Creating Effective Daily Affirmations
What You Can Do To Develop A Successful Mindset
So Much More!
In this episode, I sit down with international best-selling author and speaker Judi Moreo. Judi breaks down how being self-critical and allowing negative self-talk to take your thoughts captive will hold you back from where you want to go. She weighs in on the best ways to combat that negative self-talk and turn it into the kind of talk that will foster your success.
We also talk about ways to recognize when you’re sabotaging yourself or your business, anchoring in daily affirmations to make them become solid beliefs, and how Judi’s self-limiting beliefs screwed her out of a trip to Europe.
This was an awesome discussion with Judi I hope you enjoy. Now let’s jump right in and get to the straight talk!
Judi is Award winning businesswoman, and one of the most recognized transformational trainers and coaches in the world. She is the author of 11 books including 2 international bestsellers, “You Are More Than Enough” and “Conquer the Brain Drain,” as well as the “AchieveMore Method Personal Development course,” an online program for building your self-confidence, communication, and leadership skills.
A self-made success, Judi started her first business with $2,000 and a lot of chutzpah. Judi learned to succeed step-by-step over many years. She has conducted training courses and delivered keynote speeches for organizations in 29 countries and now has a worldwide following of clients who are enjoying outstanding success resulting from her guidance.
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About the author
Amber De La Garza is The Productivity Specialist! Amber helps small business owners maximize profits, reduce stress, and make time for what matters most by improving their time management and elevating their productivity! Amber is a sought after coach, trainer, speaker, writer, host of the Small Business Straight Talk Podcast, and creator of Leverage Lab®.
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